Global integration of clinical research

張貼日期:Jul 16, 2010 3:13:58 PM

這是一個由台大醫院,TAIRB, 以及PAREXL international 所共同舉辦的"立足亞洲,放眼全球",促進臨床研究之整合的論壇。


這次的會議全程得用英文演講,說的又是跟醫療較無關的 inspection experience,真是折煞人!

Market trend on simultaneous global development

eClinical technologies and improving productivity and cost efficiency through its implementation

Early phase drug development trends in Asia

Asia regulatory updates and consideration when building your drug development plans

Global outsourcing trends - Insourcing or outsourcing and how to choose the right fit partner for your appropriate studies

Experience sharing from key opinion leaders and global biopharmaceutical companies on conducting multi-national clinical trials